V7 to V9 Upgrade Training Plan

Prevail User Knowledge Base

V7 to V9 Upgrade Training Plan

This material is meant for members upgrading from Prevail Version 7 to Version 9.

Specific information about Prevail Premium Features is listed in the Premium Features training.

A comprehensive training plan for staff members is listed in the Staff Training plan.

V7 to V9 Upgrade Training Plan


Training Material Link

Instructions and Video Link

Direct Video Link


Modifying Law Type Settings

Create a New Contact Type

Modifying Law Type Settings

Create a New Contact Type


The Prevail Home Tab

The Prevail Home Tab


Outlook Calendar Sync

Outlook Calendar Sync


Calendar Informational

Calendar Informational


Create and Delete Contacts in Prevail

Create and Delete Contacts in Prevail


Text Messaging 

Text Messaging


Attaching Other Contacts to a Matter (Related Parties Tree)

Attaching Other Contacts to a Matter (Related Parties Tree)


Attaching Other Contacts to a Matter

Running an Intake/Update Questionnaire


Enable Desktop Outlook Email Add-In

Attaching Outgoing Emails in Prevail

Attaching Incoming Emails to Prevail

Enable Desktop Outlook Email Add-In

Attaching Outgoing Emails in Prevail

Attaching Incoming Emails to Prevail


Generating a Merge Document for a Matter

Generating a Merge Document for a Matter


Demand of Offer Entry to the Negotiation Tab

Using the Settlement Calculator

Demand or Offer Entry to the Negotiation Tab

Using the Settlement Calculator


Client Portal Setup and Use

Client Portal Setup and Use


Create a New Merge Document Template from Scratch

Create a New Merge Document Template by Closing an Existing Template

Transfer your Existing Form Letters into Prevail

Deleting a Merge Document Template

Creating a Merge Document Package

Creating a New Merge Document Template from Scratch

Create a New Merge Document Template by Cloning an Existing Template

Transfer your Existing Form Letters into Prevail

Deleting a Merge Document Template

Creating a Merge Document Package


Questionnaire Setup

Questionnaire Setup


Download Prevail Updates (Control Panel)

Download Prevail Updates (Control Panel)


Report Designer

Report Designer


Dashboard Designer - Setting Up

Dashboard Designer- Setting Up


Using Your Dashboards

Using Your Dashboards

Have specific training related questions? We’re glad to help. Contact us at training@prevail.net

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