E-training*: Questionnaire Setup

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-training*: Questionnaire Setup

This How-to will cover creating a new questionnaire template.

To view these steps through an instructional video, click the link below.

Video Link: Questionnaire Setup

Prevail has two different types of Questionnaires.

  1. Intake questionnaire: Detailed interview you will conduct with potential clients. When an Intake Questionnaire is complete, Prevail creates a new open or closed, prospect or matter.

  2. Update Questionnaire: Updates information in an existing matter or prospect.

Note: Creating an Intake and Update Questionnaire follows almost identical procedures.


  1. Click Administration > Questionnaire Setup.

  2. Click ‘Add’ > Intake Questionnaire.

  3. Enter a name for the questionnaire in the ‘Subject’ field.

Optional: Choose a category for the history entry that will have the completed questionnaire attached to it.

  1. Enter additional details about the questionnaire in the Notes field.

    1. These notes are only visible to administrative users who have access to the questionnaire setup.

  2. Initial Question: Enter the script that will appear when you get the first bit of information from the client or prospect.

  3. Click ‘Save’.

  4. Use the drag and drop to add questions to your questionnaire. After adding the question to the Question List, you will enter the script for the question in the field under “ Settings” on the right side of the window. The three types of question in Prevail are Prompt, Law Type, and Contact.

    1. Prompt: This is any question you want to add that does not have a data field in Prevail in which to save the answer. The types of Prompt questions are…

      • Question- Any question that you want to ask the prospect, where there is no data field in which to save the answer. This is best used for open-ended questions.

      • Script- Any information that you want to tell the prospect, but is not a question.

      • Pick-List- This is a multiple-choice question where you will use Selection-type prompts in conjunction with the Pick List prompts.

      • Selection- These are the answer choices for your Pick List-type prompts.

      • Finish- These are used at the end of the questionnaire to tell Prevail whether to create an open prospect, open matter, closed prospect, or closed matter. You may use this at any time where you do not wish to continue with the questionnaire.

    2. Law Type: This is a question where there is a data field in which the answer can be saved.

      • In addition to Matter fields you will see the client contact type listed under the law type.

      • Optional: Double -clicking on the contact type will provide additional prompts for contact type

      • Caution: You MUST have a Set Law Type and Group Security prompt in an intake questionnaire.

    3. Contact: This is a question in which you want to attach the answer to the mater tree in the matter or prospect to be created upon completion of the questionnaire.

      • To add a ‘Contacts’ prompt, double-click on Contacts and then the appropriate type of contact that you want to attach. Then drag the ‘Contact’ prompt underneath it to the Question List.

Note: Prevail has an initial question that displays when you start a questionnaire with a prospect, which includes prospect information fields. If you wish to gather additional information about the prospect, then you will need to add those questions to the Question List.

  1. You have successfully completed setting up a New Intake Questionnaire.

  2. For a detailed sample Social Security intake questionnaire, with details of the types of prompts used, please refer to page 62 and 64 of the Prevail Version 9 Manual.

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