E-Training*: Run an Intake/Update Questionnaire

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Run an Intake/Update Questionnaire

This training covers how to run an intake and update questionnaire.

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Run an Intake/Update Questionnaire

Note: Please understand the difference between Intake and Update questionnaire.

  • Intake Questionnaire: Allows you to follow a script of questions as you take a call from a prospect. Prevail will create a new prospect or matter at the end of the call.

  • Update Questionnaire: Updates an existing Matter and related party fields.

With both types of questionnaires, Prevail saves the full text of the completed questionnaire on the History tab for the new prospect/matter.

Note: Questionnaires are set up in Administration>Questionnaire Setup. See How-To: Questionnaire Setup to learn how to build a Questionnaire.

Follow these steps to generate a questionnaire.

  1. Click New > Questionnaire in the Prevail toolbar, and then

  2. select the desired questionnaire.

    1. *Note: If you are in a matter when you click New > Questionnaire, the list of available questionnaires will include your intake questionnaire(s), as well as any update (law type) questionnaires matching the law type of that matter in which you are working.

    2. If you are on the Home tab when you click New > Questionnaire, the list will contain only your intake questionnaire(s).

  3. Enter the information in the questionnaire as prompted.

  4. Note: Every Questionnaire will start with the initial question, which includes fields for: Office/Company/Firm, Nickname, Salutation, First, Middle, and Last Name, Suffix, Title, Date of Birth, and Gender.

  5. For any Contact-type questions:

    1. Click the 'Attach' button to open a Contact Search window.

    2. Attach an existing Contact or create a new one if necessary.

  6. If you need to return to a prior question to change the answer:

    1. Click on that question in the list of questions on the left side of the window.

    2. After changing the answer, click 'Next' in the lower right to "save" the new answer.

  7. Click 'Finish'.

  8. A completed Intake Questionnaire:

    1. The new prospect or matter appears, and

    2. The completed questionnaire is saved automatically as an HTML file on the History tab.

  9. For a completed Update (Law Type) Questionnaire:

    1. The relevant fields are updated as appropriate

    2. The completed questionnaire is saved automatically as an HTML file on the History tab.

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