E-Training*: Attaching Other Contacts to a Matter

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Attaching Other Contacts to a Matter

This How-to covers attaching additional contacts to an already created matter, known as the Related Parties Tree

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Attaching Other Contacts to a Matter


  1. Click ‘Attach’ at the top of the Related Parties Tree in the upper left section of the Matter tab. A Contacts Search window will display.

  2. Enter the party’s first, last, or middle name, or Office/Company/Firm in the Search Criteria field.

  3. Click the Binoculars icon or Press Enter

Note: You may also narrow the search to a particular Contact Type, and/or check the "Display List" box to display a list of all contacts matching the selected Contact Type without entering any search criteria.

  1. If the contact exists in your database, click on the desired entry to select it.

    1. If the Contact does not exist, Click ‘New Contact’ to add a new contact entry for the party.

  2. Note: Clicking the view button at the top of the window to see more details about the selected contact is useful if you are unsure whether it is the correct contact or not.

  3. Click on the matching entry to select it.

  4. In the lower left section, choose where on the tree you want to attach this entry.

  5. Choose how the party relates to the matter from the ‘Attach as type’ drop-down list.

Note: The 'Attach as Type' defaults to the Contact type that you selected for the party you are attaching, but you can change it as needed.

Example: If you set the party up as "SS Claimant" in their Contacts entry, but they are the "Referral Source" in this matter, change the type in the "Attach as Type" drop-down list.

This change will not affect the party's Contacts type; it only changes how the party is attached to this particular matter.

  1. Click ‘Attach’ at the top of the window.

Tips for Attaching Contacts:

  • Medical Providers s must be attached to an individual, plaintiff/claimant or opposition contact because they treat people, not cases.

  • Employers must also be attached to an individual, plaintiff/claimant or opposition contact because employment history follows the person.

  • Referral Sources must be attached to your client.

  • Opposing Counsel should be attached to the party they represent.

  • Insurance Companies should be attached to the party they represent in the case.

  • Adjusters should be attached to the Insurance Company they represent.

Related articles

Creating a New Prospect or New Matter Using Contacts, Activating Prospects as Matters, Closing or Deleting Prospects or Matters, Attaching Other Contacts to a Matter, Detaching a Contact from a Matter


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