E-training*: Modifying Law Type Settings

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-training*: Modifying Law Type Settings

This How-to covers modifying the settings for a law type.

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Modifying Law Type Settings


  1. Click Administration > Law Type/Case Type/ Contact Type Setup.

  2. Click on the Law Types tab at the bottom.

  3. By default upon installation, the ‘Active’ box will be checked for all law types. If you firm does not practice a particular law type, you may uncheck the box.

  4. If you would like for your client's contact information to display on the lower-right side of the Matter tab, check the "Display Client" checkbox. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked.

    1. Note: When you choose to display the contact information, it will require more scrolling when reviewing information on the Matter tab.

  5. Check the "Current Process Steps" box if you would like a list of the current step for all processes added to the matter (on the Claims/Process tab) to display on the right side of the Matter tab. Note that, as with step #3 with the "Display Client" information, if you choose to have current process steps listed on the Matter tab, it will require more scrolling when reviewing information on the Matter tab.

  6. In the Incident Date/Onset Date drop-down list, you may choose one of the following combinations of fields to display on the Matter tab for this law type:

    1. Incident Date/Statute Date – Use this setting for a law type in which you want Prevail to automatically calculate the Statute Date based on the case type and number of statute years selected in Case Type Setup. Users will not be able to manually override the Statute Date. You would also use this setting for law types in which there is an incident date, but no statute date.

    2. Incident Date/Statute Date/Statute Override – This setting works the same way the Incident Date/Statute Date setting works, except users are permitted to manually override the Statute Date in specific matters, when necessary.

    3. Incident/Last Compensation/Statute Dates – This setting is designed for use in the Workers' Compensation law type, in which the Statute Date changes periodically depending on the Last Compensation Date. Prevail will initially calculate the Statute Date based on the Incident Date; thereafter, whenever the Last Compensation Date is entered or changed, Prevail will automatically update the Statute Date, based on the parameters established in Case Type Setup. Users are not permitted to manually override the Statute Date field.

    4. None - Use this setting for law types that do not have incident or statute dates.

    5. Onset Date/Date Last Insured – This setting is designed for use in Social Security and any other law type in which you have an onset date and date last insured, rather than a specific incident date.

  7. Enter the percent of a settlement that your firm will receive, by default, for this law type in the “Settlement Percent” field. You may change this percentage in individual cases where the settlement percentage may differ from the norm. The default settlement percentage is used in the settlement calculator on the Negotiations tab.

  8. If you would like to have a drop-down list on the Matter tab to choose a “Hearing Attorney”, check the “Display Hearing Attorney” checkbox. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked.

  9. Click ‘Save’.

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