E-Training: Dashboard Designer - Setting Up

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training: Dashboard Designer - Setting Up

This article covers the Prevail Dashboard Designer

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Dashboard Designer - Setting Up

The Dashboard Designer allows you to create a variety of dashboards and share them with as many users as you wish.

To build a dashboard:

  1. Administration>Dashboard Designer

  2. Clone a dashboard by clicking on it once, and then clicking the 'Clone' button at the top or double-click on a dashboard to open it for editing.

    1. Note: You cannot edit a locked dashboard -- i.e., a dashboard with the padlock icon next to it. If you double-click a locked dashboard, it will automatically clone it.

  3. When you clone or edit a dashboard, you will see three panels: Settings, Dashboard Data, and Dashboard Preview.

  4. Settings Panel

    1. Subject: The name of your dashboard

    2. Shared: Who can view the dashboard

    3. Description: A description of the dashboard. Include any notes about the dashboard you would like.

    4. Dashboard Type:

      1. Pie

      2. Area

      3. Column

      4. Bar

      5. Line

      6. Note: If you select Area, Column, or Bar, you will then choose Stacked or Non-Stacked by checking (or not checking) the "Stacked" box.

        An example of a stacked and Non-Stacked Column Graph.
    5. Matter Settings: Select whether you want to include open or closed matters (or both), clients or prospects (or both), or questionnaires, and a specific law type (or all law types) for the data included in the dashboard.

      1. Note: Matter Settings only appear when using the attached parties, prospects/intakes, matters, and process step dashboards.

    6. Date Field/Date Selection: If you want to filter the data to include only a certain date range, leave the "Active" box checked, and then choose which "Date Field" you want to filter by. Then, under "Date Selection," choose the range of dates that you want to use for that particular date field.

    7. Series Field: What each section represents (slice of the pie chart, or the Y-axis of a bar/column/area dashboard).

      1. Example: In the ‘Open Matters by Lead Attorney’ dashboard: Series Field=Matters, Lead Attorney, since each portion/bar/line represents a different Lead Attorney.

    8. Range Field: Date field that you want to measure by. It is the X axis in a bar/column/area dashboard. The frequency is the increment to be used for the range date.

  5. Dashboard Data Panel- The pool of data that your dashboard will draw from.

    1. Displays in a grid format that follows the same rules as every other grid in Prevail.

    2. You can filter this data to create extremely focused dashboards.

    3. Example: This dashboard is displaying all open matters by Lead Attorney. To create an attorney specific Dashboard, scroll to the Lead Attorney Field, then apply the appropriate filter. You can apply multiple filters simultaneously.
  6. Dashboard Preview: Shows a preview of the work you do in the Settings and Data panels.

  7. Click 'Save' at the top left to save your changes to your new or edited dashboard.

  8. If you want to discard your changes, click ‘Cancel.’

  9. For information on viewing your dashboards, see ‘E-Training 98: How-to Set Up your Dashboard.’

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