Prevail User Knowledge Base
E-training*: The Prevail Home Tab
This is an informational article about the four main windows on the Home tab.
To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.
Video Link: The Prevail Home Tab
The Home Tab is the first tab that you will see when opening Prevail. There are four main windows on the Home tab. These are the Upcoming Appointments, Upcoming Tasks, Statute Warning List, and the Message List.
Statute Warning List: Displays warnings for matters that have a statute date approaching within the firm. The warnings display for the appropriate staff members, based on firm settings under Administration, Security Group Setup.
Note: If you are not a member of a team that has approaching statute warnings, you won't see the Statute Warning List Section of the Home tab.
Appointment List: Displays all upcoming appointments on your Prevail calendar. Select the number of days in advance you wish you view appointments, 1 to 14 days in advance.
The Message List: By default, will display any messages you have recently received via Prevail's built-in messaging system. By using the drop-down menu in this section, you may also view your entire Inbox or your Sent messages.
Task List: Display your pending tasks with a start date within the number of days you select, 1 to 14 days in advance.
Each Prevail user can customize the dimensions of the Home tab by dragging the horizontal and vertical bars between the sections.
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