E-training*: Creating Processes in the Process Builder

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-training*: Creating Processes in the Process Builder

This article will cover the difference between a standard process and an autofill process as well as how to create each of these. 

A "standard" process is one that allows you to work through a series of steps that do not all revolve around the same date.

You use an auto-fill process when all of the steps in your process center around one specific date (the "anchor date" in Prevail terminology).

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Creating Processes in the Process Builder


Creating a “Standard” Process

  1. Click Administration > Process Builder.

  2. Click ‘Add’ at the top of the window, and choose Standard Process.

  3. Enter a name for the process in the Process Subject field.

  4. Select the law type for the process from the Process Law Type drop-down list.

  5. Click ‘Save’.

  6. Click on the new process in the list of processes in the upper-left corner of the window.

  7. Click ‘Add’ (under ‘Steps’) in the bottom half of the window.

  8. In the Subject field, enter a description of the step.

  9. Optional: Enter a name for the level in which the step belongs in the Level field. Levels allow you to group and organize your steps. 

    1. Pro Tip: If you want your steps and levels to appear in the order in which they occur, number the steps using two digit numbers (01, 02, etc.)

  10. For this step to trigger a task

    1. Click ‘Add Task’

    2. Enter the default subject for the task in the Subject field

    3. In the ‘Create task due’ field, enter the number of days before or after the step date (when the step is added to the Claims/Processes tab) that you want the task to be due. If for some reason the task due date should be prior to the step date, then enter the number of days as a negative number.

    4. In the ‘Set task start date’ field, enter the number of days before the task due date that you want the task to appear on the responsible party’s task list.

Note: This number should always be positive

  1. Select the Responsible Type for the task.

  2. Optional: Click ‘Display as Statute’ for this task to display on the Home tab under the Statute Warning List.

  3. Optional: Check the ‘Popup Task’ box for the task window to pop-up as soon as this step is added to the Claims/Process tab. Otherwise it will automatically be added to the calendar without popping up.

  4. For this step to trigger an appointment

    1. Click ‘Add Appointment’

    2. In the ‘Subject’ field, enter the default appointment type.

    3. Optional: Select a type for the appointment from the ‘Type’ drop-down menu.

    4. Select the Responsible Type for the task.

    5. Note: When you add the step to the Claims/Process tab, the appointment window will always automatically pop up, allowing you to enter the date, time, and location of the appointment.

  5. If there is a definite next level or next step that will always occur after this step

    1. Choose next Level/Step in the ‘Next Step and Outcome Information’

      • Note: When this step is added to the Claims/Process tab, the next level and/or step information will display on the upper-right side of the window.

      • Note: Do this after you have added all of your levels and steps, as the drop downs will only contain steps that are already built into the Process.

  6. If this step signifies a case outcome of Loss, Partial Win, Remand, Win, or Withdrawal

    1. Select the appropriate outcome from the “Outcome” Drop-down menu.

  7. If you would like for a merge document to be auto generated for the matter

    1. Choose the appropriate merge document from the “Merge Document” Drop down menu.

  8. Check 'Default Step Date' if you want the date for the step, when added to the Claims/Process tab, to default to the current date.

    1. Unchecking this box will cause the step date to default to blank, forcing the user to select the step date from the calendar.

    2. Note: In cases where the step will trigger a statute deadline, it is advisable to uncheck the "Default Step Date" box, so that the user will not accidentally enter the current date for the step, rather than a prior date.

  9. Certain fields on the Matter tab can be set to auto update when this step is reached on the Claims/Process tab. You have 6 dropdowns you can use to auto update a field in Prevail when a step is triggered.

    1. To do this, start by choosing the appropriate field from the 'Action Field' drop down menu.

    2. Choose the updated information that should display from the 'Action Values' drop-down.

      1. The "Active" action field refers to whether the matter is open or closed. If you set the action value for this field to true, then the matter will be open; if set to false, the matter will be closed.

      2. The "Case Manager", "Hearing Attorney", and "Lead Attorney" action fields gives you the option to change the user assigned to that role for that case when the current step is executed in Prevail.

      3. The "Case Type" action field refers to the case type of the current case. The "Action Values" dropdown allows you to select one of your case types to choose for that case when the current step is executed.

      4. The "Last Reviewed" action field fills in the corresponding field in the matter tab. Select "Step Date" to use the entry date from the step, or "Today" to use the current date.

      5. The "Prospect" action field refers to whether the matter will be set as a Prospect or a Matter. If you set the action value for this field to true, then the matter will be a Prospect; if set to false, it will be a Matter.

      6. The "Status" action field provides a dropdown of Matter Status' to update for the current case when the step is executed.

  10. Optional: In the 'SMS/Email Notifications section, a text message to can be automatically be sent to the client

    1. Type the text in the Message field. 

    2. Use the ‘Insert Codes’ dropdown menu to insert the names of the Client, Current Prevail User, Lead/Hearing Attorney, and Case Manager, to automate and personalize information for the matter that the Process Step is being completed for. 

    3. Note: This will only work if the client previously agreed to SMS communications. See the How-to Text Messaging for more help.

  11. Click, ‘Save’.

Creating a “Autofill” Process

  1. Click Administration > Process Builder.

  2. Click ‘Add’ in the top right of the window.

  3. Choose ‘Auto-Fill Process’

  4. In the Process Subject field, enter a name for the process

  5. From the ‘Process Law Type’, select the law type you will use the process for.

  6. Check 'Default Step Date' if you want the date for the step, when added to the Claims/Process tab, to default to the current date.

    1. Unchecking this box will cause the step date to default to blank, forcing the user to select the step date from the calendar.

  7. Click ‘Save’

  8. Click on the new process in the list of processes in the top half of the window.

  9. Click ‘Add’

  10. In the ‘Subject’ field, enter the step subject

  11. Leave the Level field blank

  12. If you would like for the step to automatically schedule a task

    1. Check the ‘Task’ box

    2. Enter the Task subject in the ‘Task Subject’ field

    3. Optional: Select a category for the task from the Task Category drop-down menu

    4. Enter the number of days before or after the auto-fill date

      • Note: If the task should be due prior to the auto-fill date, enter the number of days as a negative number. If the task should be due after the auto-fill date, enter the number of days as a positive number.

    5. In the ‘Set Task Warning’ field, enter the number of days prior to the due date that you want the task to start appearing in the task list.

      • Note: This number should always be positive.

    6. Select the Responsible Type for the task

  13. If you would like for a merge document to be auto generated for the matter

    1. Choose the appropriate merge document from the “Merge Document” Drop down menu.

  14. Certain fields on the Matter tab can be set to auto update when this step is reached on the Claims/Process tab.

    1. Choose the appropriate field from the ‘Action Field’ drop down menu.

    2. Choose the updated information that should display from the ‘Action Values’ drop-down.

    3. Note: The “Prospect” action field refers to whether the matter will be set as a Prospect or a Matter (client). If you set the action value for this field to true, then the matter will be a Prospect; if set to false, the matter will be a Matter (client).

    4. Note: The “Active” action field refers to whether the matter is open or closed. If you set the action value for this field to true, then the matter will be open; if set to false, the matter will be closed.

  15. Optional: In the 'SMS/Email Notifications section, a text message to can be automatically be sent to the client

  16. Type the text in the Message field. 

  17. Use the ‘Insert Codes’ dropdown menu to insert the names of the Client, Current Prevail User, Lead/Hearing Attorney, and Case Manager, to automate and personalize information for the matter that the Process Step is being completed for. 

  18. Note: This will only work if the client previously agreed to SMS communications. See the How-to Text Messaging for more help.

  19. Click, ‘Save’.

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