E-Training*: Report Designer

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Report Designer

This article will cover how to create your own custom reports using the Prevail Report Designer.

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Report Designer

Though Prevail comes with many stock reports that will help you better track different data within your system, there may be times when you would like to report on something that is not on that list. There are two ways to obtain a custom report:

  1. The Prevail Report Designer

    1. This is a new feature in version 9 that will allow you to create your own custom reports. This is reserved for more simple reports.

  2. Emailing our Reports Team with your Request

    1. If you are looking for a more complicated report that cannot be done in the Report Designer, email our reports team at reports@prevail.net for more information.

Components of the Report Designer:

First, follow these steps to open a new Report Template:

  1. Click Administration menu>Report Designer.

  2. Make a copy or clone of a Report Template that corresponds with the report you would like to build.

    1. To make a clone of a template: Double click or click ‘Clone’ at the top of the screen.

  3. The following page is split in 2 sections:

  4. Bottom section: Shows a real-time preview of the report as you build it from the top section. It also includes:

    1. Color schemes

    2. Fonts and font sizes

    3. Print Report

    4. Export to Excel- Note: This requires special permission, which can be granted in the “Employee Setup” page on the Administration Menu.

  5. Top section: Where you will select and customize the fields you want added to the report.

    1. Report Name: The title of your Report

    2. Category: This is where you’ll find your report once it’s saved. The categories are the folders in the “Reports” dropdown in Prevail at the top of your screen.

    3. Shared Users: Who gets to see the report

    4. Notes: Any internal information you want to add to the report details.

    5. Available Fields: These are all the fields you can choose to add to the report.

    6. Selected Fields: This is where the fields that you select show up as you select them.

    7. Sort Fields: How your report is sorted.

The top right section of the designer shows different options for the fields you selected:

  • “Hide field” checkbox: If you want a field to be reported on but you don’t want to see the information in the report, you can check this box. The field will still be there, but it won’t be visible.

  • “Allow User Modification” Checkbox: when you check that box for a specific field, anyone who can see the report can filter and change the information for that field.
    Example: If you check the “Allow User Modification” checkbox for “case manager,” viewers of
    this report could see the report for specific case managers in your firm.

  • "Filter All" checkbox: You will see this if the field has multiple options, such as the 'Open/Closed' field shown here. If you would like to only sort this report by open matters, for example...
    uncheck the 'filter all' checkbox.
    Note: When you uncheck this box, it will wipe the report out momentarily because it is not filtering for anything.
    Select 'Open' to filter this report for open matters. The report will refresh.

  • Grouping dropdown menu: When you click the top field in the “sorted fields” box, you will see this menu on the right side of the screen. If you want to see the report by groups instead of columns, you can determine that here.

    • Line break on change: This means when the specific
      field changes, it will create a new line in the report.

    • Page break on change: Makes a new page every time the top sort field change.

To build a report:

  1. Follow the instructions above to create a clone of a template.

  2. Double click the fields you would like included from the ‘Selected Fields’ box.

  3. If you would like to reorder the fields, drag and drop in the spot you would like the field.

    1. Note: If you attempt to drag the field in the first spot, you will need to specify if you want it to go 1st (before) or 2nd (after) the current first spot.

  4. To get rid of a field that you have selected, double click it from the selected fields section.

  5. To sort in Descending Order:

    • Click the 'A' next to the fields in the Sort Fields box

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