E-Training*: Rebuild Appointment Lookups Utility

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Rebuild Appointment Lookups Utility

This article covers using the rebuild appointment lookup utility.

To view these steps through an instructional video, click the link below.

Video Link: Rebuild Appointment Lookups Utility

In the event that an appointment does not display on the calendar (and it has not been deleted,) you can run the Rebuild Appointment Lookups utility.

In the event that an appointment does not display on the calendar (and it has not been deleted,) you can run the Rebuild Appointment Lookups utility.


  1. To access the Prevail Control Panel

    1. Go to C:/PREVAIL_CLIENT.

    2. Double-click on ‘Control Panel’

  2. The Prevail Control Panel login screen will appear.

  3. Use your regular Prevail login and password.

  4. Click the ‘Tools’ dropdown menu.

  5. Click ONCE on ‘Rebuild Appointment Lookups’.

  6. Once complete, exit the Control Panel & log back into Prevail.

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