E-training*: Create a New Contact Type

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-training*: Create a New Contact Type

This How-to covers the steps to create a new contact type.

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Create a New Contact Type


  1. Click Administration > Law Type/Case Type/ Contact Type Setup.

  2. Click on the Contact Types tab at the bottom.

  3. Click ‘Add’ on the top left side of the window.

  4. Enter a name for the new contact type in the “Description” field.

  5. For each contact type, select the appropriate settings.

Check "Active" if this contact will be available for use in your Prevail database.

Check "Client" if this contact type represents a client. Leave this box unchecked if this contact type is attached to a matter as some other contact such as Judge, Medical Provider or Insurance Adjuster.

If this contact type represents the opposition in a matter, such as a defendant in a Plaintiff's Personal Injury case, check the "Opposition" box. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.

If you want to display information such as date of birth and Social Security number for a contact type, check the "Display Personal Information" box.

The "Action" drop down gives a category for the new contact type. For instance, the contact type, "Emergency Room" will be treated as a "Medical Provider".

The "Law Type" field is where you will select the specific type of Matter that this contact will be attached to.

"Valid Attach Types" will determine which types of other contacts this contact type would be directly attached to.

Please reach out to us if you need any additional help.

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Law Types, Case Types


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