E-Training: Client Portal - Sending Documents

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training: Client Portal - Sending Documents

This article covers documents inside the Client Portal and the steps the firm must follow to send a document to a client/prospect:

Note: The client/prospect must log in to the Portal for the first time before you can send Messages to them. Prior to the first login, the 'Add Documents' button on the Portal tab in Prevail will be inactive.

Note: In addition to documents, you can exchange other types of files, such as photographs, with your clients/prospects using the Portal.


  1. Go to the Portal tab in Prevail.

  2. Click the 'Add Documents' drop-down button, and select the client/prospect to whom you want to send a document.

  3. A window displays, listing entries from the History tab that have files attached to them.

You can select one or multiple entries to upload to the Portal:

  1. If you want to upload one item, click on that entry, and click 'Send to Portal'.

To Add Multiple Items:

  1. If the entries are listed consecutively, hold the Shift key down while you click on the first item you need to upload, and then click on the last item you want to upload.

  2. Then, click 'Send to Portal'.

  3. If the entries are not listed consecutively, you can hold the Ctrl key down while you click on each item you need to upload.

  4. Then, click 'Send to Portal'.

The uploaded documents will be listed individually in the Documents section of the Portal tab, with a status of "Sent". Each entry also has an Information field, which indicates if the client/prospect has viewed the document, and if so, when they viewed it.

Note: An email is automatically sent to the client/prospect, notifying him/her that a new document is available to download from the Portal.

Steps the firm's client/prospect must follow to download a document received through the Portal:

  1. Log in to the firm's Portal site.

  2. Click 'Documents'.

  3. Click 'Download' next to the appropriate document.

Note: When a client/prospect sends a document to the firm, the Case Manager receives a pop-up notification message in Prevail, and the document is added to the Documents section on the Portal tab, with the status of "Received".

Each entry also has an Information field, which indicates when the document was received, and the name of the recipient (i.e., the name of the Case Manager at the time the document was received).

To view a received document, click on it in the Documents list on the Portal tab, and then click 'View' at the top of the Documents list.

Note: Each Prevail user can choose to display Portal Documents Sent and/or Portal Documents Received on the History tab (in addition to the Portal tab) by clicking 'Options' in the upper-right of the History tab.

Updating Client Information in Client Portal, Messaging in Client Portal, Client Portal Matter Status, Client Portal Setup and Use

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