E-Training*: Creating an Appointment

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Creating an Appointment

This How-to covers creating an appointment that will display in your Prevail database.

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Creating an Appointment

An appointment is an event where a user (or users) is supposed to be at a particular place at a particular time for a particular duration of time.

Hearings, depositions, and meetings are all examples of appointments. The difference between a task and an appointment is that a task has a due date, but no particular start or end time


  1. Complete one of the following.

    1. Click Calendar > Add > Appointment

    2. From the Prevail toolbar, click New > Appointment.

    3. From the Home tab, in the Upcoming Appointment section, click Add.

    4. From the Events tab, in the Appointments panel at the top, click Add.

  2. Enter a description of the appointment in the Subject field.

  3. Choose an appointment type and location from the designated drop-down lists.

    1. Optional: Enter a room number if applicable.

  4. Choose an appointment type and location from the drop down lists.

  5. Select the users who should be included in the appointment if any.

  6. Associate with the appropriate matter

    1. To change or remove the matter association, click the Attach/Detach button. you can either search for a different matter, or detach it so that the appointment is not attached to a matter.

  7. Optional: Check the ‘Notification Message’ textbox if you would like Prevail to automatically send a text message to the client and notify them of the appointment details.

  8. For appointments not associated with a matter:

    1. Check the ‘Private’ textbox if you want the appointment to say “Private Appointment” when viewed by others.

  9. Enter additional notes/ information about the appointment in the ‘Notes’ field.

  10. Click ‘Save’.

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Creating a Task, Completing a Task, Creating an Appointment, Modifying an Existing Appointment, Cancelling .vs. Deleting an Appointment, Rescheduling an Appointment.

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