E-Training*: Rescheduling an Appointment

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Rescheduling an Appointment

This How-to covers marking an appointment rescheduled and how to text the client after modifying it.

To view these steps through an instructional video, click the link below.

Video Link: Rescheduling an Appointment


  1. After the date and/or time change is made to the appointment, check the "Rescheduled" checkbox on the right of the date and time fields.

  2. Check the “Notification Message” Box to have Prevail automatically send a text message to the client advising them of the rescheduled appointment.

  3. Click 'Save'.

    Note: By marking an appointment as Rescheduled, you preserve the original appointment on all calendars where it existed and create the new appointment on its new date and time. Rescheduled appointments are displayed on the Events and Home tabs with a strikethrough, and they are marked as Rescheduled on the calendar.

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