E-Training*: Document Merge Across a Query

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Document Merge Across a Query

This How-to covers using the merge across query feature.

To view these steps through an instructional video, click the link below.

Video Link: Document Merge Across a Query

A query, in database terms, is simply a list of criteria to select a specific subset of your cases that have certain things in common. When you use the Merge Across Query feature, it saves a copy of the document in the History of each matter that matched the query. Furthermore, if the document includes a Time, Cost, or Task element, each of them will be posted in every matter that matched the query.

Note: You need to have a query in Prevail under Tools, Query to be able to use the Merge Across Query option. If you do not have a query that is needed, you can create one under Administration> Query Manager or contact our technical support team to assist in creating one for you.


  1. Click ‘Document Merge’ on the appropriate matter in the Prevail toolbar.

    1. The Document Merge window will appear and the list of available documents is tabbed at the bottom with the documents broken down into different categories.

  2. Enter any character string from the document name in the Search field, and press Enter.

  3. Highlight the desired document and click ‘Next’ or double-click on the document.

  4. In the next window, you have several options:

    1. Check the “Merge Across Query” box if you want to merge the document in all matters that match a selected query.

    2. You may set or change any of the values for Ledger Time, Ledger Cost, and Task to create a corresponding entry for each.

  5. Click ‘Next’. This screen will appear.

  6. Click on the query you want

  7. Click ‘Next’.

    1. After Prevail builds the document, it will display in your word processing program. You’ll end up with one large document with page breaks in the appropriate places so when it’s printed, the result will be a separate document for each matter.

  8. Make any necessary adjustments to the merge document and print as you would normally print a document in your word processing program.

  9. Close the word processing program window. If you made any post-merge changes to the document, you will be prompted to save the changes you made. Click ‘Yes’.

    1. Note: The merged document will automatically be saved on the matter’s History tab.

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