E-Training*: Modify User Settings

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Modify User Settings

This informational article covers all of the terminology used for accessing your user settings.

To view these steps through an instructional video, click the link below.

Video Link: Modifying User Settings


Each Prevail user has access to a number of individual user settings which allow them to 

custom tailor certain parts of Prevail to suit their preference.

  1. To access your user settings, go to 

  2. File > User Settings. You'll see a screen like the one below. 


Much of the information on the Contact tab may have already been entered by your Prevail administrator.


  • Startup Calendar – allows you to pick your preferred calendar view and have it launch automatically, with your default calendar setting, when you log in to Prevail. If much of your responsibility revolves around setting and confirming appointments for other users, this option will probably be helpful since the Home tab only shows your own upcoming appointments over the next 14 days.

  • Default Calendar – allows you to select one or more user’s calendars as your default view. Whenever you open the calendar, you’ll see the selected users’ calendars, side by side, in your preferred view. If you selected an option in Startup Calendar, your Default Calendars will launch automatically when you login.

  • Start of Day; End of Day; and Time Blocks – these settings affect how your calendar Day View will look, as well as the default duration for a new appointment. Also, if you schedule an appointment and check the All Day box the start & end times will match your Start of Day and End of Day settings.

  • New Appt Warning Days – this setting allows you to receive new appointment warning notices more than one day in advance of the approaching appointment if you wish.

  • New Task Warning Days – this setting allows you to receive new task warning notices more than one day in advance of the approaching task if you wish.

  • Appointment Reminder – allows you to select how far in advance of an upcoming appointment (from zero minutes to eight hours) you want to receive a reminder.

  • 2nd Appointment Reminder – allows you to select how far in advance of an upcoming appointment (from zero minutes to eight hours) you want to receive a second reminder. The 2nd Appointment Reminder should always be a smaller value than the Appointment Reminder (e.g., Appointment Reminder = 1 hour; 2 nd Appointment Reminder = 15 minutes).

  • Time Zone – select the time zone that the user’s appointments should display in.

  • Use Daylight Savings Time – check this box if the user’s appointments should adjust for Daylight Savings Time.

  • Word Processor – this setting is selected during the installation process.

  • Popup Windows Stay On Top – checking this box will cause any popup windows, message windows (e.g., task or appointment reminders), task completed messages, etc., to remain open and on top of your main Prevail window till you close them. This setting is most often used by people who are frequently called away from their desk. That way they won’t miss any messages that appeared while they were away.

  • Button Tips – When this setting is checked and you hover your mouse over a button, a description of that button will appear.

  • Prompt for confirmation on exit – with this box checked, when you attempt to exit Prevail, the system will prompt you with a confirmation message where you must click one of the following: Exit Prevail, or Cancel.

  • Receive Appointment Messages – if this box is not checked, you will not receive messages advising you when other users schedule appointments for you.

  • Receive Task Messages – if this box is not checked, you will not receive task messages advising you when other users schedule tasks for you, or complete tasks you’ve assigned to them.

  • Alert Dock Side – allows you to dock your messages and reminders in your preferred location.

  • Alert Duration – allows you to set how long your alerts will remain on the screen at your selected dock location.

  • Grid Name Display – allows you to select how you want users’ names to display in grids (e.g., how the “Author” column displays the user’s name in History). Your choices are Login (ex: MSMITH), First Last (ex: Mary Smith), or Short (the employee’s nickname as entered in employee setup).

  • Employee Search Window – this setting applies to messages, and the calendar, tasks and appointments, as well as drop-down lists of user names (e.g., Case Manager, Hearing Attorney, and Lead Attorney drop-down fields on the Matter tab). It toggles between a dropdown checklist of employees, or a separate employee listing window. The display options are shown and explained below. The option on the left above is fairly self-explanatory, as it is uses standard checkboxes that you select or deselect for the users to include in the appointment. For the option on the right on the previous page, on the left side of the window, you will see all employees (Prevail users) who have not been selected for this appointment. On the right you will see all employees who HAVE been selected for this appointment. Double-clicking on any name in either column will cause it to move to the other column. You can also choose (using the buttons to the right of the 'Save' button), either ALL users or NO users. Regardless of which mechanism you use to get there, once the column on the right reflects the user or users on whose Calendar you want this appointment to appear, click the 'Save' button. That dialog box will close, and you can save the appointment by clicking on the 'Save' button at the top of the appointment window.

  • Spell Checker – toggles the spell checker on and off.

  • Capitalize First Letter After Period – When this box is checked, Prevail will automatically capitalize the first letter of each sentence in note fields.

  • Startup Dashboard – When this box is checked, the dashboard tab launches upon startup of Prevail.

  • Private Appointments – When this box is checked, any unattached appointments (i.e., appointments not attached to any contact, matter, or prospect) will be marked as private by default.

  • Color Categories – When this box is checked, History entries will display the color assigned to them in the Databank.

  • Sync

  • If you're using Microsoft's Exchange Server for your Outlook email, and it has already been set up in Prevail, your Sync Type will already be set to Exchange, and you will not be able to change the settings on this tab. If you are not running Exchange, this tab is where you configure your local Outlook sync to sync your Prevail and Outlook calendars. If you're not sure if you're running Exchange or not, DO NOT GUESS! When you see the screen below, please contact your network administrator before saving these settings. If you are using the local sync, after you select “Local” from the Sync Type drop-down menu, the computer name and user name will auto-populate. Check the box to “Launch Outlook Sync and Automatically Launch at Windows Startup.”

  • Appearance

  • The Appearance tab allows you to personalize your view of Prevail.

  • There are two toolbar styles consolidated and standard.

  • Consolidated has less buttons and has names nest to the icons. Standard has more icons and does not name them on the toolbar.

  • Highlight Color - This is the highlight color for "required" fields, and past due tasks/statute warnings.

  • Font Name and Size- These settings apply to the text and field names in Prevail. It's important to note that they are somewhat affected by your screen size and resolution settings.

  • Skins & Buttons - Pick the ones you like to customize the appearance of Prevail. If more than one Skins and/or Button style is selected, at random.



You can create a keyboard shortcut for almost all actions in Prevail.

To do so-

  1. Click the ‘Add’ button.

  2. Select the Shortcut key.

  3. Select the Action you want it to trigger.

  4. Click ‘Save’.


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