E-Training*: Closing or Deleting Prospects or Matters

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Closing or Deleting Prospects or Matters

This How-to covers closing and deleting prospects or matters.

To view an instructional video click below:

Video Link: Closing or Deleting Prospects or Matters

Closing a prospect or matter does not remove them from your system, it simply changes the Tab Header to say “closed” instead of “open”. The only way to remove a prospect or matter from your system is by deleting them.

Note: There are only two good reasons to delete a matter: 1) it was created by mistake, or 2) it was just a place for testing and/or practice, such as a sample matter that came with the program.


  1. Before you can permanently delete a prospect or matter, you must first close it.

  2. To Close a Prospect.

    1. Click the ‘Status’ button on the right side of the Matter tab.

    2. Choose Close Prospect.

  3. To Close a Matter.

    1. Click the ‘Status’ button.

    2. Choose Close Matter.

  4. To Delete a Prospect or Matter

    1. Click ‘Status’ again.

    2. Select either Delete Prospect or Delete Matter.

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