E-Training*: Prevail Grid Layouts

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Prevail Grid Layouts

In this article, you will master filtering, sorting, and grouping grids in Prevail. This is known as grid layouts.

To view an instructional video, click the link below:

Video Link: Prevail Grid Layouts

Throughout Prevail, many screens have a "grid" layout (i.e., the screen layout appears as a table, with columns and rows of information). Filters allow you to filter, sort, and/or group the entries on the page.

Example: If you are working through your task list and want to filter your view to display only "High Priority" tasks, you can do so by applying a filter. Or, if you're working on the History tab and want to quickly find a particular document entry, you can use a filter to find that particular document.

Note: You may apply multiple grid settings at the same time. For example, you may choose to first filter on a particular column and then sort in date order.

  1. Filtering Grid Entries:

    1. Navigate to a page with the grid layout.

    2. You will see a drop-down arrow for each column header when you hover over it.

    3. To apply a filter:

    4. Click on the drop-down arrow for the column you wish to filter by and choose the appropriate selection.

    5. The filtered view will display.

    6. To clear a filter and return to the full display, click on the 'X' in the lower left of the window, or click on the drop-down arrow for the column header again, and choose "All."

    7. This is what your grid will look like when you apply a filter.


  2. Sorting Grid Entries: To apply a sort based on a particular column:

    1. Click on the column header label--the word itself, not the drop-down arrow.

    2. Each time that you click on the column header label, the entries will reverse their sort order, based on that column.

    3. Pro Tip: Pressing the SHIFT key while clicking on another column header allows for a secondary sort.

  3. Grouping Grid Entries: To apply a grouping within a grid:

    1. Click on the appropriate column header.

    2. Hold your left mouse button down while dragging the column header up to the shaded area just above the grid. (Green arrows will appear to help guide you.)

    3. Release your left mouse button, and the entries in the grid will then be classified in groups.

    4. Click on the '+' sign next to any of the group names to expand the group and show all entries in that particular category.

    5. To remove a group setting, and return to the normal view, drag the column header back to its original position.

  4. Saved Filters in History and Ledger: If you have a particular grid setting that you use often on the History or Ledger tabs, you may choose to save that particular view.

    1. Follow the procedures above for filtering and sorting grid entries to configure the display as desired.

    2. Click 'Filter' in the upper right area of the grid.

    3. Click 'Create Filter from Current View'.

    4. Enter a name in the Filter Name field.

    5. Click 'Save'.

      1. The next time you need to quickly apply the current display settings, click 'Filter'.

      2. Click on the name of the appropriate filter.

      3. Saved filters appear for all users.

      4. To return to the regular grid view, click 'Filter', and choose to remove the filter.



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