E-Training*: Medical Tab

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Medical Tab

This How-to covers the Prevail Medical tab.

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Medical Tab


The Medical tab contains a list of all medical providers attached to a client in a matter, as well as detailed treatment information.

The medical tab is split into 2 sections:
-The top section lists the medical entries for this matter.
-The bottom section lists Medical entries for the client across other matters.

When you attach a Medical Provider to the matter, Prevail will automatically open a Medical entry and attach that provider to the medical tab.

When you add a medical entry from the Medical tab, that provider will automatically attach to the Related Parties Tree on the Matter tab.

Follow these steps to add a medical provider from the medical tab:

  1. Click on the Medical Tab

  2. Click 'Add.'

Follow these steps to add a medical provider from the matter tab:

  1. Attach the medical provider to the matter.

  2. The medical entry for that provider will automatically appear.
    (For more information on attaching contacts to the matter tab, see 'how-to- attaching other contacts to matters.')

Each medical entry contains the following fields:
Subject: This is a required field. The subject is the description of treatment, such as 'Right ankle sprain.'
Account #: Optional. Used if you would like to note the account number this medical bill is being taken from.
Bill: Optional. The amount of the medical bill.
Client/Opposition: This is a required field. Use the dropdown to select the client or opposition this entry is referring to. If there is one client in the matter, the field will default to that person.
Medical Provider: This is a required field. Click on the paper clip to the right of the field. Search for the provider. Double click on their name or click 'Attach' at the top of the window.
Specialty: This will be automatically filled in if the provider attached has a specialty attached to their contact. This list is customizable in the databank.
Attach Type: Use the dropdown to select which medical provider type this entry is referring to. This will default to whatever type the Medical Provider attached to this entry is.
'From Date' and 'To Date': Optional field. Start of treatment, and end of treatment.
Note: You can type the date here, or if you are unsure of specific dates, the fields allow for text such as 'Early April' to 'Present.'
Record Requested: Select the date medical records were requested.
Record Received: Select the date medical records were received.
Submitted: Select the date medical records were sent to whomever requires them.
Add to Damages/Ledger Cost: Check either box if you would like this entry to also post as a damage or a ledger cost.
Notes: Enter any notes you'd like in this textbox.
Attachments: Attach or scan a file directly into the entry.

How to Update the Medical Tab Once you've Requested Records:

  1. Double click on the appropriate provider's entry on the Medical tab.

  2. Enter the date that you are requesting records in the Records Requested field.

  3. Click 'Save.'

How to enter records that have been received:

  1. Enter the Records Received date

  2. If necessary, update the From Date and To Date.
    Note: Because the From Date and To Date fields are text fields, if you want to be able to sort your medical records entries in chronological order using either of those fields, enter the actual dates of service in the format, (Year/Month/Date)

  3. If you had to pay for the copies of the records, enter the amount you paid in the Bill field, check the Add to Costs box, and choose a Cost Category.

  4. If your client had to pay any amount to this provider, you may enter that amount in the Bill field, check the "Add to Damages" box, and choose a Damages Category.

  5. Use the attachment button to attach the records or scan them into the entry.

  6. Click 'Save'.

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