E-Training*: Security/Group Setup: Adding Security Groups, Employee Types/Security

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training*: Security/Group Setup: Adding Security Groups, Employee Types/Security

This How-to covers creating different security groups within Prevail.

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Security/Group Setup: Adding Security Groups, Employee Types/Security

Security Groups are what Prevail uses to determine who within your firm has access to which matters. Each matter must have a security group assigned to it. Each user may have a different role and level of access within each security group. Furthermore, you can allow for exceptions to the security group for a particular matter.

Note: If none of your team members need to be kept from viewing any matters, then you’ll only have one security group, which is the Default Group which already exists within the system.


  1. Click Administration > Security/Group Setup.

  2. Click ‘Add’ on the left to create a new group.

  3. Give the Group a name.

  4. To attach a user to the group.

    1. Click ‘Attach to Group’.

    2. Select the user you want to add using the User drop-down menu.

    3. Choose the role that the user will play in the Group with the Action menu.

    4. Click ‘Save’.

    5. Note: If there aren’t any users to select, you need to setup the user under Administration > Employee Setup before their name will appear.

  5. Repeat this process for all members and groups.

  6. In the bottom left hand corner, Security/Group Setup window, there is a 'Security' tab. This is where you can add, edit, or delete employee types. These settings control access to certain tabs and functions within Prevail.

  7. Adding Employee Types

    1. On the top left corner of the window, click ‘add.’

    2. Type the Employee Type in the ‘Employee Type’ field. 

    3. Next to the Employee Type field, you will see three checkboxes:

      • Attorney- Check this box if you want this Employee Type to appear in the matter screen dropdown lists for Lead Attorney and Hearing Attorney. 

      • Case Manager- Check this box if you want this Employee Type to appear in the matter screen dropdown for Case Manager.

      • Statute Warning- Check this box for any employee types that you want to receive Statute Warning Notifications.

Note: In the Prevail Security Information section, there are three access levels available for each employee. These are-

  • No Access– the tab or function would not display at all for the employee type

  • View Only– the tab would display for the employee type, but the user would not be able to add, delete, or modify the data on that tab in any way.

  • Add, Edit, Delete, and View – the employee type would have full access to the tab or function.

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