E-Training: Generating an Intake or Update Law Type Questionnaire

Prevail User Knowledge Base

E-Training: Generating an Intake or Update Law Type Questionnaire

This How-to covers creating a new law type intake questionnaire and updating a law type questionnaire.


  1. Click New > Questionnaire in the Prevail Toolbar.

Note: If you are in a matter when you do this the list of available questionnaires will include your intake questionnaire as well as any updated questionnaires that match the law type in which you are working. If you are in the Home tab, the list will only contain your intake questionnaires.

  1. Select the desired questionnaire.

  2. Enter the information in the questionnaire as prompted.

  3. For Contact type questions

    1. Click 'Attach'

    2. Search or create the necessary Contact.

  4. Change the answer to a question at any time by clicking on the question and then Clicking ‘Next’.

  5. Once complete, Click ‘Finish’.

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Creating a New Contact.


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