How-to Adding Damages Entries

Prevail User Knowledge Base

How-to Adding Damages Entries

This How-to covers adding a damage entry or payment against a damage entry in the Damages Tab.

You'll use the Damages tab to record special damages, as well as payment history against any of those damages. As you proceed through negotiation and a possible trial, you'll want to ensure that your settlement is sufficient to cover the damages that your client has incurred.

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Adding Damages Entries


  1. Click ‘Add’.

  2. In the Subject field, enter a brief description of the bill/damage.

  3. Select a damage type from the Type drop-down list.

  4. If there are multiple clients in a matter, select the client whom the damage pertains, or select ‘All Clients’.

  5. Attach a Provider in the Provider field.

    1. Click the paper clip.

    2. Search the Provider’s name in Contacts.

    3. Complete one of the following

      • If the provider appears in the list of results

        • Double-click on the provider’s entry to automatically attach the employer to the matter.

      • If the provider does not appear in the list of results

        • Click ‘New’ (a Contacts entry window will appear)

        • Enter the provider’s information in the Contacts window.

        • Click ‘Save’.

        • Return to the Contacts search window and the provider will display in the list of results.

        • Double-click on the provider’s name in the list of results.

  6. Enter the Account # (for the provider) in the Account # field.

  7. Enter the starting date of service for the provider in the 'From' field.

  8. Enter the ending date of service in the 'To' field.

  9. Enter the due date of the bill/damage in the ‘Amount’ field.

  10. If you do not have a payment to apply to the new damage entry.

    1. Click ‘Save’. YOU ARE NOW FINISHED.

  11. If you do have a payment entry to apply to the new damage entry.

    1. Click ‘Add’ in the payment section.

    2. A new payment entry window appears.

    3. In the Subject field, enter a brief description of the payment entry.

    4. Enter the amount of the payment in the Amount field.

    5. Attach the payer in the Provider field.

      • Click the paper clip.

      • Search for the payer’s name in the Contacts

      • If the payer appears in the list of results

        • Double-click on the payer entry to automatically attach the employer to the matter.

      • If the payer does not appear in the list of results

        • Click ‘New’ (a Contacts entry window will appear)

        • Enter the payer information in the Contacts window.

        • Click ‘Save’.

        • Return to the Contacts search window and the payer will display in the list of results.

        • Double-click on the payer name in the list of results.

    6. Enter the payer’s account number in the Account # field.

    7. Enter the payment date in the Payment Date field.

    8. Select the type of payment from the Type drop-down menu.

    9. Optional: Enter detailed notes about the payment in the Notes field.

    10. Click ‘Save’.


You may return to an existing damage entry at any time to apply a payment. Simply double-click on the damage entry on the Damages tab, and follow steps 11C-11J in the Adding Damages Entries procedure.

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