Cloud Management

Cloud Management

How do I Start?

You can create an Atlasware account or transition your existing Atlasware account to Atlasware Cloud in less than an hour. After an initial setup, all your files and disability data will be available on Atlasware Cloud in just a few days. Contact Atlasware Support at 1-866-938-8492 or support@myassureservices.com to set up an appointment and start doing your business in the cloud!

A Tour of the Cloud

Atlasware Cloud supports all major browsers including Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox. Atlasware Cloud is also platform neutral, compatible with Microsoft Windows and macOS. Simply log into the Atlasware website at atlasware.com and enter your login credentials.

Once you log in, a dashboard will display all active and inactive cases associated with your ERE account. Your cases are sortable and can be filtered based on any data point found in your ERE status report. Your cases are updated automatically and your case information can be exported to your local computer. Unlike the ERE, though, your cases never fall off your Atlasware account. You’ll always have a perfect picture of your practice moving out into the future.

You can request and download case files directly from your dashboard. Additionally, all your cases are also associated with an online details page. From the details page you can browse and submit documents to the Administration. You can make case notes and request medical records. You can also upload documents to the details page, using your Atlasware account for secure cloud storage.

Brief Tool Pro: Your Solution for Efficient Brief Writing

Submitting a brief to the Administration is one of the most effective tools you have as an advocate for your client. It communicates your seriousness and preparation and it gives your client a chance to stand apart from all other claimants.

Assure Disability’s Brief Tool Pro is online software that takes the work required to write a brief down to a minimum. Intuitive and issue spotting, Brief Tool Pro will suggest the best arguments available to your claimant and identify potential issues in their case. Arguments are disability and jurisdiction specific, so your client will have a brief tailored specifically to their case. From state agencies all the way to the Appeals Council, Brief Tool pro handles claims at any level of the administrative process.

The best part is, you’ve already done most of the work! By becoming an Atlasware Cloud user, Brief Tool Pro can scan your case files for relevant data points to start building your brief. As a result, you’ll see time savings in file reviews as well as brief writing.

Tens of thousands of briefs have already been written using the Assure Disability’s Brief Tool. With no setup required, your office now has access to one of the industry’s most trusted advocate tools. Call 1-866-938-8492 or send an email to support@myassureservices.com to schedule a demo today!

Have a Little Help from Our Friends!


ReleasePoint is a legal services company with a proven track record in the medical record retrieval industry. With decades of experience in the Release of Information market, their management team has a demonstrable commitment to service, compliance, security, and customer support. Headquartered in Southern California, ReleasePoint has network production facilities in Los Angeles, Austin, St. Louis, Charlotte, and Hartford, giving them resources to match their level of expertise.

Assure Disability has partnered with ReleasePoint to bring their medical record retrieval service to Atlasware Cloud users. From your Atlasware account, you can request, track, and review your client’s medical records. With the Atlasware ERE uploader, you can also submit medical records obtained from ReleasePoint directly to the Administration. In Atlasware, all your medical records requests are demonstrated in a single location that you can filter and search, meaning that you’ll always know where you are in evidence collection.



Disability Planners

Disability Planners is the nation’s leader in assisting disability beneficiaries with their healthcare options. Relentless innovators, they have cultivated industry leading systems and processes to provide the very best in healthcare opportunities. With 370,000+ clients, their process has a track record that cements their place in providing healthcare solutions

Assure Disability has partnered with Disability Planners to bring healthcare options to disability claimants. Atlasware’s programming identifies and organizes your disability clients that might have additional Medicare Advantage opportunities. With an automated process that tracks clients and provides the necessary disclosures, your office doesn’t have to do any of the work. Simply by using the Atlasware program, you can make the lives of your clients a whole lot better.


Assure Disability: Your Hometown Advantage

For the better part of a decade, Assure Disability has been the industry leader in remote hearing coverage. With hundreds of thousands of hearings attended, Assure has a network of attorneys that reaches every part of the country. Each attorney is carefully vetted and trained in our refined hearing coverage process. Best of all, each attorney is local, guaranteeing you better results at hearing at a better cost.

Using the same technology that scans and organizes your cases, Atlasware can automatically set your hearings on the Assure Disability unified hearing calendar. Once set up, you’ll have a real time calendar of your office’s hearings always available to you in the cloud. Then, if a need ever arises, you are one click away from having a qualified, local disability attorney attending your hearing.

Assure Disability can also use your hearing information to schedule other representative’s hearings. We calendar hearings in every part of the country and likely have hearings that are local to you. If you’re interested in remote hearing coverage or attending disability hearings for other representatives, please call 1-866-938-8492 or send an email to support@myassureservices.com for more information.

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