Creating a Brief with Brief-Tool Pro

Creating a Brief with Brief-Tool Pro

Request Assure Brief Tool Services


In order to use the Assure’s briefing services, you must first have an exhibited file.  

Request a brief by pressing the “Actions” then “Request Brief” next to the appropriate claimant’s name.


The brief wizard will launch and ask if you want to have Assure write the brief for you or you want to write the brief yourself.

Choose “I want to complete the brief myself.”

 Choose desired brief type 


Leave brief due date & special instructions blank when using the Brief Tool.

You will need to Accept the Terms and Conditions which can be printed for review

To assist your brief writing, you can also view and print a brief prep sheet here



Answer all the questions and proceed through each step using the Brief Wizard.

*Pro-Tip: It’s helpful to complete these steps by referencing your processed PDF exhibited file



Brief Tool will require some sort of text in this block to continue. Either write a brief narrative and press “Continue” OR this can be written on the word document that is produced after the brief is completed.

If you want to continue without writing the entire medical narrative type “Type Summary Here” as a placeholder and go to the next screen.



Answer the remaining questions through step 7 and Press “Finish”


Choose whether you want to download the completed brief as a PDF or a Word document.


You can complete the brief at one sitting or go back to it by saving and exiting it at any time. It will save your data as long as you click  at the end of each step.


Review and save your brief.

How to Edit The Brief Template


After the brief has been initiated with the Brief Tool software, it will be put into the “Briefs” page and can be completed at a later date.

To access the Briefs page, click “Briefs” from the main menu. 

If a brief has been initiated in the brief wizard but not completed within the brief tool, it will have an “accepted status”. You can access the brief by clicking the blue button and complete the brief at any time.

If you start the brief wizard and complete the brief within the wizard, you are able to download the brief at the time you complete it. You are also able to go back and view/save the brief after you have exited the wizard by pressing the green button .  This allows you to download the completed brief as a PDF or Word document.




Upload Brief to the ERE:


After completing the brief, download it to your chosen destination. 

Go to the claimants case details page to upload it to the ERE.


  • Choose All Cases or filtered Cases screen to find claimant

  • Click claimant’s name

  • Within the Case Details page choose ERE Uploads tab.

  • Choose “Upload to ERE” button  

  • You can browse for files or drag and drop your file

  • Choose the document type and enter the required info pertaining to that doc type


Uploads are  listed with the other documents uploaded under “ERE Uploads” and “All Documents.”

Click here for complete instructions about uploading documents through the Assure portal.

Upload Brief to the ERE:

After completing the brief and downloading to your chosen destination, you will need to go to the case details page:

Choose All Cases

Find your claimant’s name and click on it

It will go to the Case Detail’s Page.

Choose ERE uploads tab as indicated below .

Choose “Upload to ERE” button which will guide you to select the completed brief and upload accordingly.



You can browse for files or drag and drop your file

Choose the document type and the applicable radio buttons associated with that document type will open (pictured below)


It will then be listed with the other documents you have uploaded under “ERE Uploads” and “All Documents.”


NOTE: Briefs written by Assure or yourself, must be uploaded using the ERE Uploader shown in steps above in order to be listed in ERE Uploads and All Documents.

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