How-to Activate the Lead Imports Option

Prevail User Knowledge Base

How-to Activate the Lead Imports Option

This How-to covers activating the lead imports option in Prevail.

Once configured, the Activate Lead Imports option will continually download leads from one or more of our lead import partners. There are separate lead import settings for each law type in Prevail.

You must first establish an account with one or more of our lead import partners, and they must contact us to complete the import setup. For more information on Prevail lead import partners, visit http://www.prevail.net/partners .


  1. Locate the Prevail Control Panel by going to

    1. C:/PREVAIL_CLIENT/ControlPanel.exe.

    2. You will need to run the Prevail Control Panel as an administrator by right-clicking and selecting “Run as administrator”.

  2. Log in to the Prevail Control Panel.

    1. You must have Control Panel security access in your Prevail user settings.

  3. In the Prevail Control Panel, select Server Tools.

  4. In Server Tools, make sure the Domain and User name is specified in the Prevail Service account field.

  5. Enter the pvservice domain account password in the appropriate field.

  6. Check the 'Activate Lead Imports' box.

  7. Click on the tab for the law type for which you are importing leads.

  8. Set the following setting as you wish for each law type for which you are importing leads.

    1. Check the Import Leads box.

    2. Specify the Security Group for the imported leads.

    3. You may select the Lead Attorney for the imported leads.

    4. You may select a Case Manager for the imported lead.

    5. Select one or more recipients under Assign Task (for follow-up notifications). If you select multiple users, the leads will be distributed in a randomized rotational order among the selected users.

    6. Select either Client or Prospect (typically Prospect) to set how the matter will be created for the leads.

  9. Click ‘Save’

    1. When you click ‘Save’ Prevail will attempt to create a number of scheduled events in Windows (via Task Scheduler)

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