This How-to covers deleting document templates in the Document Designer that you do not need.

To view these steps through an instructional video, click the link below.

Video Link: Deleting a Merge Document Template


  1. Click Administration > Document Designer.

    1. The Document Designer window will appear.

  2. Locate the desired document by browsing all documents OR by using the ‘Search’ field and entering any part of the document’s filename.

  3. Click ‘Delete’ at the top of the Document Designer window.

  4. Click ‘Delete’ again to confirm that you want to delete the merge document template.

Related articles

Transferring Your Existing Form Letters into Prevail, Creating a New Merge Document Template by Cloning an Existing Template, Creating a Merge Document Package, Creating Merge Document Templates from Adobe PDF Files, Deleting a Merge Document Template

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