This article discusses how to enable the desktop Outlook E-Mail add-in in Prevail.
To view an instructional video of this material, click the link below
Video Link: Enable Desktop Outlook Email Add-In
Open Outlook and click the file button near the top left.
If there is a "Slow and disabled" option, click it.
If Prevail is listed there, give it permissions.
If Prevail is not listed, check if the AddIn is already installed.
Navigate to the options tab at the bottom left.
Click on the Add-ins tab at the bottom left of the pop-up.
Click "Go" next to "Manage and COM add-ins" at the bottom center of the pop-up.
If you see "Prevail Outlook Email" in the list, ensure the box on the left is checked and click "OK".
If Prevail is not in the list:
Close Outlook, and right click on the application.
Click run as administrator to install the add-in.
Check your version of Outlook:
Click "File" in the top left, then go to "Office Account" at the bottom left.
Click on "About Outlook" and look in the top right of the pop-up for "32-bit" or "64-bit".
Close the pop-up,
Navigate back to options at the bottom left.
Click "Add-ins" on the pop up.
Click "Go" at the bottom center.
Click the "Add" button on the right, and a file explorer window will appear.
Use the left-side navigation to find the "Local Disk or C Drive" (usually in the "This PC" section).
Navigate to the "PREVAIL_CLIENT" folder.
Scroll down to select the appropriate file based on your Outlook version: "PrevailOutlookEmail.dll" for 32-bit or "PrevailOutlookEmail64.dll" for 64-bit.
Click "OK".
Check if the email add-in is listed and has the checkbox checked.
If it is, select "OK" at the top right-hand side, and Prevail email add-in should be enabled in Outlook.
If you encounter further complications, please contact support: (866) 998-4400 (option 1, option 1)
Video 20 - Attaching Outgoing Emails in Prevail
Video 11 - Attaching Outgoing Emails in Prevail
Video 14 - Attaching Outgoing Emails in Prevail
Video 15 - Attaching Outgoing Emails From Prevail