This How-to covers creating a new, and deleting contacts in Prevail.

To view these steps in an instructional video, click below.

In Prevail, your clients and all related parties are contacts. Examples of this include medical providers, opposing parties, and judges. Your Contacts in Prevail is a central repository for all persons, companies, and entities involved with your cases.

Add New Contact

  1. Click New in the Prevail toolbar.

  2. Click Contact.

  3. Complete the required fields, highlighted in yellow.

Note: If there is not an Office/Company/Firm associated with this contact, you can skip that field and only put First and Last name.

  1. Select a Contact Type from the 'Type' dropdown.

  2. Complete any additional fields you would like.
    Note: While not required, it is important to put as much information as you have on the contact, especially when you are looking for this information to automate in documents later.

  3. Address: Use the 3 lines to input the address for the contact.
    Note: If the contact has a physical and mailing address, uncheck the 'Physical same as mailing' checkbox. You will then have 2 places to put a physical address, and a mailing address. This box will be checked by default, giving one option for the address.

  4. Enter the Zip Code for the contact.
    Note: Inputting the zip code will automate the corresponding city and state.

  5. Mailing List: If you would like to add this contact to a mailing list, use the dropdown to select the list you want them to be included in. This dropdown is customizable through the Databank in the Administration menu.

  6. Add communication methods for the contact:

    1. Click Add.

    2. Use the type dropdown to specify if this is an email address, phone number, or web address.
      Enter the phone number, email, or web address in the field to the right.

    3. Click Save.

Optional: Check the primary checkbox if there is more than one option for this communication type, and you would like one to be the primary. When this box is checked, that email or phone will be listed first with a yellow star.

Optional: Enter any notes you would like for this communication entry

Optional: For phone numbers: Enter an extension in the field to the right of the number, if applicable.
Check the 'messages' checkbox to send a text to the contact asking for permission to send text messages to this number.
Check the 'International' checkbox if the phone number is outside of the United States.

Deleting a Contact

  1. Open the Contact you want to delete

  2. Click 'Delete' at the top of this window.

  3. Read the Warning

  4. Click 'Delete'

Note: To delete a contact, you must detach it from all related matters. If the 'Delete' button is greyed out, it is because the contact is attached to a matter.

  1. Use the Related Matters tab to go to the matters this tab is attached to.

  2. Detach the contact from all related matters.

  3. Follow the steps mentioned above to delete the contact.

Related articles

Deleting User Accounts, User Settings, Consolidating Duplicate Contacts

Training Track for Prevail 6-9 Upgrade

Video 13 - Create a Matter from a Contact

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