This How-to covers creating a new document template by cloning an existing Prevail document template.

Prevail 9 is compatible with Microsoft Word 2007/2010/2013/2016/Office365 (Microsoft Office 32-bit only) and Corel Word Perfect Suites X3-X6. You must have one of these processors downloaded before you start merging documents.

To view an instructional video of these steps, click the link below.

Video Link: Document Designer - Create a New Merge Document Template by Cloning an Existing Template


Short, concise steps for users to follow. Consistency is key and less is more.

  1. Click Administration >Document Designer. This will open the Document Designer window.

  2. Locate the desired document by browsing documents Or by using the ‘Search’ field and entering any part of a documents filename.

  3. Click on the desired document.

  4. Click ‘Clone’ in the upper right corner of the Document Designer window.

  5. A duplicate copy with ‘Clone’ at the end of the name will appear in the list of available documents.

  6. Double-click the new (Clone) document.

  7. Enter a new name for the document in the Document Name field at the top of the Document Designer window.

  8. For more information on editing the document from here, see ‘E-Training 53: How-to Document Designer - Create a New Merge Document Template from Scratch’

  9. IMPORTANT: Click ‘Save’ at the top of the Document Designer window.

    1. Caution: Do not use the ‘Save’ or ‘Save As’ in your word processing program, this will delete everything inside of the Document Designer.

  10. Close the Document Designer Window

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