User Roles / Access Levels

Administrator Role

This is the main administrative login for the account where all key functions and actions are to be made. Each firm account will have an administrator login which will be created during the migration & onboarding process.

Reserved for the individual(s) in the firm who will provide account oversight and have the ability to update actions within the account.  

Login may be shared if there are multiple members filling the administrative role.

Key administrative actions include:

  1. Manage ERE credentials

    1. Update ERE password in Assure when it changes at the  ERE

  2. Change account password (the Assure login password)

  3. Update account notification preferences

  4. Create / deactivate / update user (case manager / attorney) accounts

  5. Handle billing / invoice actions

    1. may include providing accounts payable personnel with account login info

Case Manager Role

NOTE: The case manager role should be used for all members, including attorneys who do not cover hearings as a network attorney for Assure Disability. 

This role is reserved for members who will assist preparing the claimants case file in preparation for the hearing.  The Case Manager role is the most robust user role within the Assure system and includes the ability to customize settings within the account for each user’s need-to-know.

See Adding Case Manager for more information 

Attorney Role

It is not necessary to create an attorney login for attorneys in your firm when the case manager role will suffice for the actions they’ll be performing. For firms who will participate in hearing coverage, it will be necessary to create an attorney login for each attorney who will do so.  

Network Attorney Role

This role is reserved for Assure Disability Network attorneys who actively cover hearings within the Assure network and not solely associated with a particular firm. Each network attorney will have their own Assure login. Network attorneys have the ability to view hearings, request hearings, view claimant documents, and request payments for services within the Assure Disability System.

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