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This How-to covers client text messaging in PrevailClient communication made easy with Prevail Enhanced Texting! Working with a communication platform called Twilio, we have streamlined the Prevail texting process making it easier than ever to connect to your clients.

If you do not have this feature and are interested in learning more, please contact us at 407.228.4400 option 2. Please note that you must be on version 10 of Prevail for this feature to work.

Video Link: How-To Use the Text Messaging Function in Prevail

Prevail allows you to easily send text messages to contacts who prefer that method of communication.

*Note: You must use 32-bit Microsoft Outlook to send and receive emails in order to use the text messaging feature in Prevail. Also, you must have Outlook open in order for Prevail to send and receive texts. The text messaging feature will not work with emails associated with iCloud, due to the nature of the Apple iCloud service.


E-Training*: Prevail Enhanced Texting


Set-Up process

Once you receive a message from us indicating your Twilio number has been set up, you are ready to begin texting clients.

Note: You are assigned a number by Twilio when they receive your information. This number will be separate from your office phone, and can only be used for texting.

  1. Access the person’s contact information by searching for and opening their entry window in Contacts OR clicking on the appropriate contact from the Related Parties Tree on the matter tab.

  2. Double-click on the existing phone number that you want to receive text messages.

    1. To add a new phone number, Click ‘Add’.

    2. Choose the Type and enter the number in the ‘Phone’ field.

  3. Check the ‘Messages’ box to designate the number as the text messaging number.

  4. Click ‘Save’ at the top of the Contacts window/ Communication Entry window.

    1. If in the Matter tab, Click ‘Save’ again in the top right of the Matter tab.


Click the cell phone icon in the communications section of the Contact Window


Type your text message


Note: After you Click ‘Save’ Prevail will automatically send a text message to the contact requesting permission to communicate with them via text messaging. While the request is pending, a question mark will display next to the contact’s phone number.

  1. When the contact accepts your request, you will receive a message in Prevail and the question mark next to the contact’s phone number will change to a green check mark.

    1. If the Contact does not accept your request, a red X will display next to their phone number.

  2. If you do not receive a response to your request, you may Click the ‘Resend Request’ button to resend the initial text to the contact at any time.

To Send Text Messages to Your Clients:

For our clients familiar with previous versions, there is no longer a permission text sent out to the client. We recommend getting permission to text during the intake process.

To Send Text Messages to Your Clients:

Option 1:

  1. Making sure you are in the correct matter, Click ‘New’>SMS

  2. Type your text message

  3. Click Send

Option 2:

  1. Go to the matter tab of the matter you would like to send the text message from

  2. Click on the contact you would like to text from the Related Parties tree

  3. Click on ‘Phone'

  4. Select ‘Send SMS’ next to the number that you would like to text.

  5. Type your text message

  6. Click send

Viewing Text Messages:

When you receive a text from your client, you will receive a pop up indicating the message has come through.

You can view texts in two places:

Home Tab:

Double click on your message from the message list.

Click on the tab that says 'Text Message.'

You can also view texts by going to the correct matter.

History Tab

Navigate to the History Tab of the corresponding matter

Double click on the message to open the thread.

To Reply to Text Messages Send Sent by Your Clients:

  1. Go to your message list or the History tab for the matter associated with that textDouble click on the conversation to open using one of the viewing methods above.

  2. Type your message.

  3. Click ‘Reply.’

Note: If you receive a text message from a Contact who is attached to multiple matters, Prevail will display a list for you to choose which matter for the text message to be associated withautomatically attach it to both matters associated with that number.

Unconnected Text Messaging

Training Plan for Prevail 6-9 Upgrade

Video 17 - Attaching Other Contacts to a Matter (Related Parties Tree)

Training Plan for Prevail 7-9 Upgrade

 Video 8 - Attaching Other Contacts to a Matter (Related Parties Tree)

Training Plan for New Prevail Users

Video 10 - Attaching Other Contacts To a Matter (Related Parties Tree)

Staff Training #1

Video 10 - Creating Matters from Contacts