The Insurance Branch Integration in Prevail automatically connects your Social Security claimants with a representative from Insurance Branch to discuss their Medicare benefits entitlements after a favorable decision.
For an instructional video of this information, click the link below.
Instructions for Insurance Branch Integration in Prevail
Required fields:
To complete the transfer of information to Insurance Branch, a few critical steps need to be accomplished:
Verify the required fields are filled out in your client's contact:
Client's first name, last name,
DOB, SSNDate of Birth, Social Security Number, address, phone number.
Insurance Branch Fields: These are Located on the Matter Tab under Custom Information.Click on the Medicare Rep tab.
Onset Date or Entitlement Date. (The Entitlement Date =The is the date that the client begins receiving a Social Security monthly disability benefit.), and is always the first of the month.
Award Date. (You may enter either the date of the favorable decision or the date of the Title II Notice of Award.)
“Send The "Send to Medicare Rep” Rep" checkbox will be checked by default.
Optional field: PIA.
The PIA=“Primary Insurance Amount,”: The amount of the client’s monthly disability benefit.
Note: The Case Type for the Matter cannot be SSI.VERY IMPORTANT!
Examples of other acceptable case types
Warning: Make sure that the client’s Onset Date is accurate in Prevail. If the client’s onset date is amended, or if he or she receives a partially favorable decision, change the Onset Date in Prevail to show the new onset date.
VERY IMPORTANT! Caution: When entering an Entitlement Date, make sure that it is on must be the 1st of a the month.
Daily Transfer of Information: The transfer of client info is scheduled to automatically occur when you log in to Prevail each morning.
Reporting: A report is available in Prevail to show a list of all clients you have submitted. To locate this report:
Go to Reports > , then click on the Insurance Branch > folder, and select the report titled, Matters Sent to Insurance Branch.
The upload is scheduled to automatically occur every two weeks. Payments: You will receive payment directly from Insurance Branch on or about the 20th of each month for the prior month’s submissionsmonth's submissions.
Payable leads are considered future clients, retro and current.
Following these steps and promptly entering your claimant's data is key to claimants getting the education they are entitled to, at the proper time during their enrollment period.
Note: Insurance Branch classifies leads in the following categories: Future IEP, Current, Retro, Past, and Aged-in.
Past leads are those outside the enrollment period but within the past two years. Aged-in are the leads that are within their enrollment period for Medicare due to turning 65 or are post-65 years of age.
Security: As a reminder, none of your client data or PII is shared without your explicit consent, and entry of this data with the intention for Insurance Branch to educate your clients.